Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sir Ken Robinson:The Learning Revolution Ted Talk

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution! | Video on
Talent is diverse! A new 10 minute video focusing on the need for organic, personalized education not linear and standardized like we have now. It's the Fast Food model of education vs the customized personal one! LIke horticulture, create good conditions and let it go. Thanks to the art room for bringing pb's attention to this video.


Dawn said...

Lindsay, I LOVED this very brief but incredibly powerful Ted Talk. With 2 boys of my own in public school, and finding that model of education soooooo lacking in allowing real personal creativity, Ken Robinson's message hit home in a HUGE way. In fact, his last comments brought me to tears. Thanks for posting

Kristen said...

Thanks for the nod, Lindsay. I'm glad you were moved to post the link to the video - maybe if we all keep talking about what we want, we can change the public school model for the better!
Kristen at The Arts Room