Sunday, August 9, 2009

Shopping Locally Helps Everyone!

Help keep your local businesses in business!
This is something that many Bristol businesses have been talking about that makes lots of sense.
It's called the 3/50 project. The idea is to pick three businesses you cannot live without in Bristol and spend $50 a month at each one.The Downtown Business Merchants Association (DBMA) offered the above flier by Cindy Baxter at their last meeting describing the project in further detail. Give it a try and think about it as a way to give gift certificates as well. Click on image above once to enlarge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting in the 3/50 Buy Local item. One important factor in the buy local campaign is that local merchants provide continuous and generous support to the community through donations for numerous activities. Many merchants see this as a one way street in that organizations that request donations do not reciprocate by buying local. Supporting local merchants allows them to continue to generously support local charitable events and orginations. Thanks. Mike Byrnes (owner, Olde China Trader, Thames Street Landing)